Engine Repair

engine repair services

Engine Repair

  • Engine repair
  • Engine maintenance
  • Engine Servicing
  • Engine Overall
  • Engine Tuning

Honda Ring Road features a dedicated engine room with specialized machinery and licensed mechanics specifically trained to deal with all kinds of engine and mechanical problems. WE MAKE ONE PROMISE to treat your vehicle as we would treat our own. We understand the nuances of all major automotive systems & variant technologies: Engine, Transmission (Manual / Automatic, Front / Rear wheel drives). Using sophisticated scanning and monitoring tools, our technicians can easily diagnose and fix any part of your engine with speed and quality. This is why car manufacturers recommend regular vehicle checkup, and have detailed maintenance schedules. Honda Ring Road staff is trained to perform company recommended maintenance services for different models of car. With keen eyes, they detect any wear and tear in components or faulty systems during servicing. Our mechanics are trained to conduct specific operations on various components for Honda cars. Our qualified Service Expert will provide an estimate of costs upfront, prior to commencing any repairs and an analysis of the repair work. If we notice any additional problems during the repair procedures, we shall contact you to authorize the repairs. Honda Ring Road is conducting appropriate factory maintenance procedure for your precious car, at our service center.